这个表格中所包含的数据其实是指:获得批准以后已经入境加拿大,以及那些已经在加拿大读书然后续签学习许可并且学习许可已经签发而且邮寄给申请人,因此这个数据只包含这些人的学习许可的签发情况。表格中提到的permit(s) became effective就是这个意思。这是我们对这个数据的解读。
数据: 主要的排名数据如下:
印度 142,850
中国 48,855
法国 18,645
菲律宾 10,925
伊朗 10,160
韩国 9,240
孟加拉国 5700
巴西 6705
哥伦比亚 5655
德国 5065
香港地区 5005
墨西哥 8095
尼日利亚 7560
越南 8120
TemporaryResidents: Study Permit Holders – Monthly IRCC
Updates https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/90115b00-f9b8-49e8-afa3-b4cff8facaee/resource/b505b9bc-d375-4525-af39-afdf25639acf
Temporaryresidents who are in Canada on a study permit in the observed calendar year.Datasets include study permit holders by year in which permit(s) became effective or with a validpermit in a calendar year or on December 31st. Please note that in thesedatasets, the figures have been suppressed or rounded to prevent theidentification of individuals when the datasets are compiled and compared withother publicly available statistics. Values between 0 and 5 are shown as “–“and all other values are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5. This may resultto the sum of the figures not equating to the totals indicated. Publisher- Current Organization Name: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Canada– Study permit holders by country of citizenship and year in which permit(s) became effective,
January 2015 – October 2021